Zachary Nolan

Breeze Block

The purpose of this project was to create a breeze block that could easily aggregate to create a wall as well as interesting patterns. The first design was to design it with a flat face and do a series of renderings to get a sense of materiality and form. I then made this block into a laser cut file that was cut and assembled out of 2-ply chip board as well as black museum board.

To improve the design I modeled a block with a complex curved face in rhino. Two physical models were made from this design; one being a contour model laser cut out of ¼” cardboard and the other being a CNC milled piece of rigid insulation foam.

As an extra step I made a CNC mold that would let me cast my flat faced design out of concrete and then melted away the mold.

I designed a piece to fit inside of one of the blocks cavities and hold plants to give this wall some more dimension. I did a series of renders and contour drawings to show this relationship. This component was 3-D printed.

As a final step I produced two images using V-ray for Rhino and Photoshop to show how the blocks would aggregate and how planter component worked with the design.